- Product Price: Rs.9500 Rs. 8500 / Product Code: K037B
Unique Identification of Connection
It makes this wireless system less difficult to set up than you might imagine. Even if multiple sets will be used at a time, you just need to power the systems up one by one, the receiver and the transmitter of each setup will sync up automatically.
Convenient Supply of Power
- When it comes to efficiency and consistency, battery power may not be the best choice for indoor. But if it is about field usage and you do not want to bother with a bulky AC outlet power bank, battery-powered devices can just walk over. Reload and pair up in just seconds and crack on again.
- The receiver gets power from a pair of AAA size batteries while the transmitter is powered by the AA ones, either rechargeable (Duracell is recommended) or one-off (Amazon Basics is recommended).
- An easy-to-read LCD of the transmitter shows the battery life and the current frequency channel.
The compatibility is hard to fault
- With this wireless system, an instructor or a presenter needs not to be an audio techie to finish the setup. The whole system is rather self-explanatory: a receiver receives the audio signal and sends it to a speaker or PA system. You just need to find an input port on your speaker that matches the size of the plug (1/4" or 6.35mm) on the receiver.
- To sync the system successfully, please turn off your speaker Bluetooth and hook up the device providing background music to the speaker with wire connection. To get the best sound out of it, please set a decent input gain level on your speaker.
- You may want to change the tone a bit to suit the situation more or record down your public address, then plug the receiver of this wireless system into a microphone or a 1/4" jack of your mixer and you are up and running!
- For a field recording, it may look embarrassed and can be inconvenient to hold a huge recorder in front of your face. Especially when you want to record from a distance and still need the audio with less background noise. Then hook up this wireless mic to a 1/4" or a 3.5mm (via the included camera adapter) of your recorder.