Title: Romoss Sense 9 25000MAH Power Bank for Smart Phones
Description: Romoss Sense 9 25000MAH Power Bank for Smart Phones -
Romoss power bank power up your smart device with its built-in high capacity powering battery. It is your best option if you are travelling and your device is about to run out of power.
Key Features:
1) Portable
2) High Capacity, Fast Charging
3) LCD screen indicates power capacity and charging status, and enters power saving mode after 3 minutes.
Power: 25000mAH
USB Ports: 3
Compatible with: USB DC 5V Charging Supported Device
Package Includes:
1x Sense 9 Plus 25000mAh ROMOSS Battery Pack
1x Romoss Micro USB charging/data cable(iPhone and iPad's cable is not included)
1x User Manual
Price: Rs. 2,999
Weight: 1.00 KGs